I will STAND like a guard to watch and place myself at the tower.
I will WAIT to see what the Lord will say to me.
– Habakkuk 2:1

Why “Stand and Wait?”

In this hour, many are falling away, many are still sleeping, and others are struggling to know what to do. We have to get into the Word of God and seek Him for how to spend our days. There’s a reason we are exhorted to encourage one another more and more in this hour (Hebrews 10:25) so we can stand firm to the end (Matthew 24:13) and keep the commandments of God that are going to run contrary to conventional wisdom (Revelation 14:12)

  • We are to Stand armored up – Ephesians 6:10-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:8
  • Stand and learn, so we can teach – Deuteronomy 5:31
  • We are to Wait for the Lord’s command – Habakkuk 2:1
  • Wait for His deliverance – Proverbs 20:22
  • And be ready for the Lord’s return – Luke 12:36

The thing to remember is that we don’t actually have a physical battle to fight. When you really study Ephesians 6:10-18, you see that this is all spiritual, and we don’t actually fight. We stand. Protected and ready, we stand.

Stand and Wait

The poet John Milton slowly went blind and was frustrated as his sight failed, because he felt that his talent would be wasted/hidden. He wrote the famous sonnet “On His Blindness” and lamented that he couldn’t serve God with his talent the way he wanted to, but God comforted him and told him that “they also serve, who only stand and wait.”

Many of us are limited by time, resources, physical abilities or lack of tools and we may find ourselves frustrated that we can’t do all that we thought we might for the Kingdom of God. We can take comfort in God’s words to John Milton too, and know that even as we stand and wait, there is much we can do to bless the Lord, and minister to the people around us.

If we focus on Jesus and not on our lack or the chaos of the world, we will have peace that the world will never understand, wisdom to prepare efficiently and sufficiently for the hard times ahead, love strong enough to overcome our urge to fight, and supernatural faith to endure any hardship or persecution.

This site will host resources, encouragement, and equipping tools to help make the best use of your time and gifts while you Stand and Wait for the Lord’s return. Be sure to connect with us on Facebook or Twitter where our Biblical Truth + Current Events pages post important news headlines daily.
