I will STAND like a guard to watch and place myself at the tower.
I will WAIT to see what the Lord will say to me.
– Habakkuk 2:1

Alpha & Omega Study – Parables from Matthew 24 & 25

Beginning with the parable of the fig tree, this session digs into the parables and clues from Matthew 24 & 25 about how we will know when to expect these things to happen, and what should we do while we wait.


1. Watch – Matthew 24:36-44
a. we shouldn’t be surprised when Jesus comes for us, we should be watching, expecting

2. Work – Matthew 24:45-51
a. in unity and not abusing fellow servants of the Lord
b. without getting lazy
c. stay sober

3. Prepare – Matthew 25:1-13
a. Emotionally
b. Mentally
c. Spiritually
d. Physically

4. Invest – Matthew 25:14-30
a. using the gifts of the Spirit we have been given
b. our time & energy to harvest, disciple etc.

5. Love – Matthew 25:31-46
a. unconditionally
b. without expectation
c. through serving others and meeting needs

These things in addition to the overarching directives:
1. Spread the gospel to the nations, making disciples of all men – Matthew 28:18-20

2. Armor up & Stand – Ephesians 6:10-18

3. Wait for the Lord’s return/deliverance – Psalm 27:14, Daniel 12:12, Matthew 24:13