I will STAND like a guard to watch and place myself at the tower.
I will WAIT to see what the Lord will say to me.
– Habakkuk 2:1

About us

Mikayla Kayne

Mikayla Kayne

Fulfilling my duties as a watchman on the wall brings me great satisfaction, although, the weight of God’s grief over the lost and rebellious in this generation can be overwhelming at times. As the headlines roll out prophetically, my moods sometimes swing wide, but I keep my eyes on Jesus who keeps me sane.

Research, study, writing, teaching – these are the things that make me tick.

I’ve been in God-College most of my life, and have studied Origins and Eschatology specifically for the last three decades. I specialize in tying current events and discoveries to the Bible because every day the Bible is being proven right from both ends. I’ve taught an Alpha & Omega class to teens and adults for several years, and have created my own children’s church and VBS curriculum using the Answers in Genesis “7 C’s of Creation” model.

Your purchase of the Kaynes' first novel supports the ministry of Stand and Wait. Available in both paperback and digital.

Your purchase of the Kaynes’ first novel supports the ministry of Stand and Wait. Available in both paperback and digital.

My husband and I have written a novel together, and are working on a second – both considered “spec fiction” by the Christian publishing industry. The first is a techno-thriller filled with spiritual warfare, political intrigue, gruesome subcultures, and pompous religiosity. The second will be an adrenaline packed survival drama.

As a homeschooling mom of three, teaching has become a way of life for me. Rarely do I give a simple answer when a detailed one is so much richer. My penchant for words makes it a challenge to limit my teaching videos to ten minutes, but my crack production team [read: teenage son] assures me shorter is better.

I pray that all of my endeavors point to Jesus Christ and lead people to repentance and faith – not just believing faith, but mature faith that can stand firm to the end.

The “short list” of my ministry cornerstones:

  • John 1
  • Mark 8:34-38
  • Genesis 1
  • Ephesians 6:10-19
  • 2 Corinthians 13:5
  • Matthew 24 & 25
  • Daniel 11:31-35
  • Revelation 14:8-13
  • Revelation 20:4-6
  • Isaiah 65:17-25
  • 1 Timothy 4
  • James 5:19 & 20
  • Ezekiel 33 & 34

Friend or subscribe to me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mikaylakayne

Get news updates that pertain to prophecy:
http://www.facebook.com/BTCEwithMik  http://www.twitter.com/truthandnews


Gregory Kayne

Gregory Kayne

Mikayla says this is where I’m supposed to say something about myself. Well, as this site should be more about helping YOU help others see GOD – I’ll be brief.

I’ve spent the last 20 years or more teaching, writing, producing media and music.  I love playing piano, pretending to play guitar and drums and acting like I can still skateboard. Depending on how much you want to stalk me on the Internet, you may find evidence of me indwelling costume characters, juggling jesters and magical unicyclists – but I may just deny even the possibility.

In recent years, I’ve been serving in full-time ministry as either a worship director, technical director or both. As Mikayla, most of my education has been God-college. He has led me and guided me through many seasons of being mentored while also being a mentor. The areas in which God needed me to know things – he gave me unique opportunities to teach. I’ve never felt that I know enough. But He doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.

When called to full-time ministry in 2006, God refused to put a label on the calling. He did not call me to be a youth speaker, worship leader, tech guy, pastor or evangelist. No. He called me to be prepared – when necessary – to fill every one of those positions. However, before I could operate in ANY of those positions, God had to bring me back to the basics and correct alignment. He even called me out of church ministry for a time. My priorities had to be re-launched and the training from the ground up began. Now, I’m entering yet a new season.

God called me to ministry. And in some way, or maybe several ways, He has called you too. Don’t despise simple beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). Seek to hear His voice and be ready to take the small steps to action.

That wasn’t much of a bio. So, if you want to hear more about my slightly odd life…I wrote a book about part of it. It’ll be available soon – and it won’t be brief.


Mapping: Creation

Alpha & Omega Study Chapter 2 February 9, 2017 Mapping: Creation What was created when? Read Genesis 1 using the notes page and fill in the blanks. We’ll be coming back to this chapter many times throughout the course of this study. We will review this together in the Chapter 3 video. Download or View […]

Why Does Genesis Matter?

Alpha & Omega Study Chapter 1 Recorded February 2, 2017 Why Does Genesis Matter? Welcome to week one of this [rebooted] worldview/apologetics study with Mikayla Kayne. Sit in with our study group, and learn why it very much matters what we believe about how life and the universe came into being. These classes are being […]

Narrow is the gate, and difficult the road that leads to life, and FEW find it. Matthew 7:14

Is Christian unity to be pursued at all costs? Does doctrine matter?

Christians under persecution around the world don’t have the luxury of owning their own complete Bible in many cases, don’t have time or opportunity to be discipled, never learn any of the finer points that we in the ‘West’ spend so much time bickering over and pontificating. The persecuted church is single-focused, on Jesus as […]

Which Bride will Christ find?

When Christ returns, will He find faith on the earth? Will His bride be immature and petulant, or gentle, mature and resplendent? Will she be worldly and fickle, covered in manure, or will she be radiant, modest and pure? Will she be waiting, dressed and adorned, or weary and downcast, tattered and torn? Will she […]


I had a dream that again confirmed that we’re on the right path with this new project we’ve started. I was visiting family, and shortly after arriving, the building we were in was attacked and part of it was on fire. Strangely, we were told not to evacuate, but to stay in our portion of […]

Why “Stand and Wait?”

In this hour, many are falling away, many are still sleeping, and others are struggling to know what to do. We have to get into the Word of God and seek Him for how to spend our days. There’s a reason we are exhorted to encourage one another more and more in this hour (Hebrews […]